We have collected these funny quotes since the 1980s. For as long as we can remember, we have found phrase confusion very amusing; even more so when people are taking themselves seriously, oblivious to the hilarity of their mistakes.
The different types of funny quotes

As media channels expand and grow, more and more people find themselves in the spotlight for their 15 minutes of fame, and to our eternal gratitude, we have found that members of the public are equally adept at taking classic idioms and messing them up.
So since the 1980’s we have collected these messed-up phrases – “Mixed Idioms” or “malaphors” or “mondegreens” or “eggcorns”, and we store them online for the world to see.
A “mixed idiom” is a mixed-up phrase accidentally constructed from one or more well-known phrases. Often people mix up these phrases without realizing it. e.g. “You are skating close to the wind” is a mix-up of the phrases (idioms) “Skating on thin ice” and “Sailing close to the wind“.
A “Malaphor” is a misquoted or erroneous metaphor. e.g. “They treated me like a leopard”
“Malaphors” – meaning “mixed up metaphors/phrases” – are also called Malapropisms, Malaprops, Mondegreens, Eggcorns, and Mixed Idioms.
We collect all kinds, from mixed idioms to malaphors, and right through to erroneous acronyms and spoonerisms.
Because we find them so funny. Pick one for each day of the year – they are brilliant. And, what’s better, is that people say them all of the time; just listen!
An Eggcorn is a word or phrase that results from mishearing or misremembering an element and substituting it for one which sounds very similar and has a similar meaning.
For example, “Lip singing” instead of “Lip syncing” referring to the use of mouthing the singing of a song by singers in “as live” performance, alongside the playback of the same song to give the impression that they are actually performing the song “live“).
The word “Eggcorn” was coined in a discussion between linguists Geoffrey Pullum and Mark Liberman in September 2003, as an example where a woman substituted the phrase “eggcorn” for the word “acorn”.
A malapropism is the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with an amusing effect. e.g. “dance a flamingo.” It is very similar to an Eggcorn.
A Mondegreen is a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase that results from a mishearing of the lyrics of a song. e.g. “Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you”.
An Escher Sentence, also known as a “comparative Illusion” sentence, is a sentence that makes sense in an initial examination, but that has terrible problems when you think about it carefully. e.g. “More people have been to London than I have.”
Contact us
If you have heard a mixed idiom or even coined one yourself, please send it in by tweeting to us.
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Browse our mixed up quotes by Category
Mixed-up quotes that are…
- a little bit distasteful (65)
- about animals and living creatures (151)
- about bad manners (15)
- about being bad at sports (6)
- about being betrayed (2)
- about being brilliant (63)
- about being care free (18)
- about being cunning (15)
- about being direct and confronting the issue (10)
- about being disgusted (5)
- about being exasperated (87)
- about being helpful (21)
- about being impressed (87)
- about being in a bad way (25)
- about being in a hurry (3)
- about being in danger (32)
- about being introverted or unassuming (11)
- about being on the edge (26)
- about being out of control (10)
- about being out of your comfort zone (4)
- about being overprivileged (7)
- about being pragmatic (42)
- about being quiet (12)
- about being reckless (22)
- about being slack or useless (12)
- about being surprised (6)
- about being too busy (5)
- about being too late (1)
- about being totally different (4)
- about being unhelpful (21)
- about being unimpressed (13)
- about being unintelligent (22)
- about being unpopular (2)
- about being unwell (15)
- about being vigilant (2)
- about being wrong (20)
- about camaraderie (2)
- about clothing (4)
- about collaboration (13)
- about current affairs (7)
- about death (6)
- about disagreements (2)
- about doing something (32)
- about exaggeration (7)
- about feeling envious (2)
- about feeling hard done-by (65)
- about feeling like a victim (75)
- about flowers or plants (8)
- about flying or air travel (9)
- about food or cooking (60)
- about gaining an understanding (19)
- about getting a good rest (7)
- about getting exercise (5)
- about getting it off your chest (1)
- about getting old (2)
- about getting religion (8)
- about going over the top (17)
- about good luck (10)
- about having a lot of fun (38)
- about having good fortune (14)
- about insecure espionage operations (2)
- about love (4)
- about making money (8)
- about making people laugh (11)
- about making the best of a bad situation (1)
- about management overload (4)
- about medical situations (40)
- about money (13)
- about needing to calm down (3)
- about not caring AT ALL (15)
- about people taking the initiative (21)
- about pushing your luck (35)
- about really liking something (1)
- about something inevitable (19)
- about something shambolic (20)
- about starting afresh (1)
- about taking liberties (12)
- about the weather (8)
- about things going very well (3)
- about things going wrong (62)
- about working and careers (7)
- about working hard and being proud of it (34)
- adventurous (2)
- advising to be careful (15)
- advising to be humble (17)
- advisory (68)
- American (1)
- bad for animal lovers (18)
- being active (15)
- brilliant Malaphors (19)
- cautious (30)
- christmas-inspired (14)
- comparative (51)
- considerate (13)
- conversational (81)
- corrective (18)
- creative (9)
- demanding (4)
- demonstrating a degree of yearning (1)
- demonstrating annoyance (46)
- demonstrating idiocy (8)
- demonstrating keenness (54)
- demonstrating risky behaviour (49)
- demonstrating strong leadership (79)
- depicting a lovely atmosphere (27)
- derogatory (49)
- descriptive (107)
- destructive (19)
- dismissive (25)
- double-edged (5)
- eggcorns (27)
- encouraging (32)
- encouraging you to be stronger (21)
- energetic (23)
- Escher sentences (23)
- evil (3)
- exhibiting frisky behaviour (16)
- exhibiting knowledge (93)
- existential (9)
- expressing freedom of speech (4)
- featuring a name (3)
- featuring famous places (5)
- featuring hilarious acronym mistakes (1)
- feeling urgent (15)
- feminist (1)
- final (33)
- foreboding (60)
- French (1)
- giving a reprisal (43)
- giving an explanation (40)
- in the top 30 Eggcorns in the UK – survey in 2017 (8)
- inflamatory (5)
- inspirational or aspirational (8)
- insulting (8)
- just weird (2)
- lacking skill (4)
- magical (7)
- magnanimous (51)
- malapropisms (21)
- mix ups of three idioms (15)
- mondegreens (1)
- motivational (43)
- negative (138)
- nostalgic (5)
- not energetic (4)
- not PC (3)
- ominous (43)
- philosophical (85)
- positive (84)
- preparing for the worst (29)
- productive (18)
- proud (22)
- racey (24)
- rampant (11)
- regretful (7)
- related to boats, sea travel or water (27)
- related to gardening (10)
- related to Star Wars (3)
- related to working from home (5)
- relating to Star Trek (2)
- relaxed (13)
- romantic (14)
- said with certainty (48)
- seasonal (3)
- self-defusing (2)
- showing a degree of skill (13)
- showing crazy behaviour (19)
- showing dedication and commitment (26)
- showing impatience (20)
- showing indecision (4)
- showing innocence (8)
- showing jealousy (1)
- showing urban tendancies (4)
- showing wisdom (99)
- spoonerisms (1)
- sporty (14)
- steeped in hopelessness (69)
- supportive (28)
- sympathetic (4)
- thoughtful (14)
- threatening (27)
- Uncategorized (1)
- uncertain (9)
- used as a warning (79)
- used as an expletive (8)
- used by farmers (27)
- used during pandemics (4)
- using mathematics (3)
- vague (5)
- very very funny. The Best, perhaps. (9)
- victorious (4)
Some recent Mixed Idiom products
The Early Bird Contracts the Worms (instead of gets the worm) – Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt£21.00 – £31.50
Buckhurst Hill – Unisex T-Shirt – in the style of Cypress Hill – Essex£21.00 – £31.00
It’s like burning cats (instead of Herding Cats) – Unisex classic T-Shirt£21.00 – £31.50
Escape Goat – White Cotton Unisex t-shirt£26.50 – £27.50
Muswell Hill in the style of Cypress Hill – London N10 – Women’s Relaxed T-Shirt£23.00 – £25.00
Air on the side of caution – Unisex Short Sleeve Black V-Neck T-Shirt£22.50 – £24.50
Go Somewhere – 70s retro design – The Unisex t-shirt for motivation to travel£23.50 – £24.50
POST MVP – Post Minimum Viable Product – T-Shirt£14.50 – £21.00
Do Something – 1970s Disco Style Men’s Classic T-Shirt£17.00 – £24.50